Ladies – a pair of queens.

In the game of poker, “Ladies” is a term used to describe a pair of queens in a player’s hand. It’s a strong starting hand that can be played aggressively or conservatively, depending on the situation. In this blog, we’ll discuss what the term “Ladies” means in CS2 gambling sites, how it’s ranked, and when it’s a good hand to have.

What are “Ladies” in Poker?

“Ladies” is a term used to describe a pair of queens in a player’s hand. It’s a strong starting hand in poker that can win you a pot, especially if the community cards on the table complement the hand.

How is a Pair of Queens Ranked?

A pair of queens is ranked higher than any pair lower than queens and lower than any pair higher than queens, such as a pair of kings or aces. If two players have a pair of queens, the player with the highest kicker (the highest unmatched card) wins. For example, if Player A has Q-Q-10-7-5 and Player B has Q-Q-9-8-4, Player A wins because they have a higher kicker.

When is a Pair of Queens a Good Hand?

A pair of queens is a strong starting hand in poker, and it can be played aggressively or conservatively depending on the situation. One situation where a pair of queens is a good hand is when you’re in early position and want to build the pot slowly. In this situation, you can make a small raise and see how your opponents react. If they call or raise, you can assume that they have a strong hand and proceed with caution.

Another situation where a pair of queens is a good hand is when you’re in late position and have a tight image. If you have a tight image, your opponents may think you have a strong hand, and you can use that to your advantage by betting aggressively and building the pot.

Finally, a pair of queens is a good hand to have in a tournament when you need to win a big pot to stay alive. If you have a pair of queens, you can bet aggressively and put pressure on your opponents to fold, giving you a chance to win a big pot and stay in the tournament.


“Ladies” is a term used to describe a pair of queens in a player’s hand. It’s a strong starting hand in poker that can win you a pot, especially if the community cards on the table complement the hand. A pair of queens is ranked higher than any pair lower than queens and lower than any pair higher than queens, such as a pair of kings or aces. It’s a good hand to have when you’re in early position and want to build the pot slowly, when you’re in late position and have a tight image, or when you need to win a big pot to stay alive in a tournament. If you have a pair of queens, you can play it aggressively or conservatively depending on the situation, and put pressure on your opponents to fold, giving you a chance to win the pot.

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